Divisions & Services
Units that communicate primarily to a campus audience may use the TAM Box logo alone to represent the official university affiliation.
The unit identity combines the Block TAM with the name of a campus unit. Depending on the length of the unit name, it may appear on one line or two.
Light backgrounds:
Dark backgrounds:
Do use the option to add Texas A&M University to your unit identity if you need to communicate to a external, non-campus audience.
Do use two lines to accommodate longer names.
Don't separate "Division of" with a different type style.
Don't use more than two lines of large text in a unit identity.
Departments within a Division
Units within Divisions that communicate primarily to a campus audience may use their Division name below their Department or Service name.
The unit identity combines the Block TAM with the name of a campus unit. Depending on the length of the unit name, it may appear on one line or two.
Light backgrounds:
Dark backgrounds:
The unit identity combines the Block TAM with the name of a campus unit. Depending on the length of the unit name, it may appear on one line or two.
Light backgrounds:
Dark backgrounds:
Do follow the guidelines provided in this section when creating College & Department identities.
Don't list more than two unit names in a unit identity.